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Benefits Of Composite Decking Compared to Timber Decking

When it comes to decking, there are a few different materials that you can choose from. The two most popular options are timber decking and composite decking. Both have their benefits, but there are some clear advantages of composite decking over timber decking.

Longevity Difference

The first thing most people wonder is how long composite decking lasts compared to timber decking. Still, they last around twice as long, which means less work and more time enjoying what matters. A good quality composite material will last you more than 20 years. In comparison, wood lasts around 15 years or less depending on the level of wear and tear it endures over time and how much care was taken during its installation. Another major benefit is that composite doesn't need any treatment like wood does, which makes upkeep easier too. If you hate the idea of sanding and staining your deck, this is definitely for you.

How Do You Clean Them?

Cleaning composite compared to timber is also much easier, which helps look after it. Just use a regular garden hose if dirt has built up on top because that will wash away any dirt. If there are any spills or stains, then you can easily remove them using some warm water in a bucket along with some cleaning product designed for hard surfaces like concrete or even tile grout cleaner works well too. Some people find they don't need to clean their decks very often but now and again, when it needs it, at least you know how easy it will be.

Which One Is More Eco-Friendly?

When it comes to composite decking, there are no toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing process like you will find with timber, so eco-friendly people will love this. Not only is it good for the environment during production, but also when it starts to decompose as there are no harmful toxins that will be released into soil and water supplies. In addition, composite is made of recycled products, which adds to its sustainable appeal. Timber decks are not very environmentally friendly because they require deforestation of trees, which harms our planet. Composite materials, on the other hand, are made up of recycled plastics and wood fibers, so they have a much lower impact on the environment overall.

How Much Does It Cost?

The price of composite decking can vary depending on where you live and who you buy from. Still, usually, it falls somewhere in between timber and PVC decking. It is a cheaper option than wood, but it will cost more than PVC because there's the less raw material used in its production process. It might not sound cheap, but when you think about how long it lasts and ease of upkeep, Composite decking could save you money over time.

Which Has Better Thermal Properties?

Thermal properties refer to conductivity resulting from temperature fluctuations, which means timber gets very cold during winter months followed by warm weather, whereas this doesn't happen with composites. This makes them perfect for colder climates, where temperatures fluctuate significantly throughout the year. Composites perform best in sunny locations where high temperatures can become unbearable to walk on during summer months when made of less durable wooden products. Any warping caused by heat would only take place before installation, too, meaning it should never prove problematic after being installed properly. Composite decks are stronger than wood as they do not expand or contract with humidity changes in the air like other materials often do. The lack of any movement means there will be no gaps between boards either.

Which Is More Slip Resistant?

Slip resistance is another important consideration that depends on how often the area gets wet, but composites are known for being more slip-resistant than timber which can be very helpful if there's any chance of falling over, such as near water features or hot tubs. If you have kids who love playing outside and running around barefoot, then choosing this for your garden decking could save them from an accident too.

Which Is Low Maintenance?

Composite decking requires little to no maintenance, only an occasional cleaning with a mild soap and water mixture. A coat of sealant every few years is also recommended, but this will keep your composite decking looking new for many years to come with minimal effort on your part. Compare this to regular staining, sanding, and sealing required for timber decks that can quickly become a tedious task you may not have time for. In addition, even if your backyard receives significant rainfall during certain months each year, this won't hurt composite at all because water easily drains through composite, and it will dry out quickly.

Variety Of Colors and Textures

Composite decking manufacturers know the importance of having a variety of colors and textures to choose from to appeal to as many homeowners as possible. So, you'll find everything from natural wood grains and colors to more modern metallic finishes giving you plenty of choices when it comes time to update your outdoor living space.

Fire Resistance

One of the biggest dangers with traditional timber decks is the risk of fire, especially if a deck is close to the house. Composite decking does not ignite easily and will only burn slowly if it does, meaning you'll have more time to put out any flames before they cause too much damage. This could be a potentially life-saving feature for homeowners who are at high risk of fire in their area.

Increase Your Home's Resale Value

Plan on selling your house in the future. Composite decking can help drive up its overall value because buyers love to see a beautiful, high-quality outdoor area. Timber decks are often considered outdated and unattractive by modern standards, so they have the potential to reduce both how much people are willing to offer for your property as well as how long it takes before someone is interested enough in buying it. With composite, not only will you enjoy all of these benefits, but this material also has an attractive appearance that many individuals find very appealing. After spending some time laying down new composite decking materials along with other improvements around your backyard or patio areas, you could see a noticeable increase in how much your home is worth.

Which Is Easily Installed?

One added benefit of composite decking over timber decks is that it has hidden fixings, which makes the installation process much faster, easier and less tedious. On the other hand, timber decks are more difficult because each board needs to be nailed down separately; this takes up a lot of time compared to composite deckings’ hidden fixings.
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