Blockboard Sheets
Blockboard is the perfect solution for creating furnishings that need extra stability and durability, such as doors and table-tops. Generated by fusing softwood panels and then sealing with veneers, this dense sheet is one of the strongest in our catalogue. These sheets are perfect choice for the construction of interior doors as it is a poor conductor of heat and sound.
Please note that Blockboard is unsuitable for outdoor use due to the resin used to fuse the veneers to the core.
To ensure maximum durability and strength from your blockboard constructions, ensure that you run the sheets lengthways. Blockboard has greater structural integrity than
Plywood or
MDF, and as a result, it is unlikely to warp or crack. If you need a solid sheet material, then Blockboard is for you.
While Blockboard is not the choice for intricate work, it is double-sided and
BB/BB Grade ensuring minimal knots and defects. The edges of the sheets can either be edged with softwood, have veneers applied, or filled and painted.
With its softwood core, Blockboard is easy to cut and adaptable to most machinery. These design and practical characteristics mean you can adapt the sheets to your requirements.