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How Can You Use Our Products Differently

Even though some products may be advertised as being designed for a specific purpose, a lot of these products can be used in a number of different ways and work just as well for the job as the purpose it was originally meant for. We stock a number of building material supplies that can be reworked to be incorporated in to a number of different projects. Radiator Covers Our Radiator Cover UK Sheets are available in 5 stylish designs, and despite the name, they can be used for other decorative purposes other than being a Radiator Cover. These sheets have been known to be used in the manufacturing of partitions and folding screens, and can add a decorative touch to previously unused items of furniture or spaces in a room. As well as this, these sheets can be fully customised through painting, to make a cohesive design throughout the entire room or to add a pop of colour to a neutral interior. Railway Sleepers Railway Sleepers’ original purpose is to create borders and edgings around your outdoor landscape; however, these battens can be used to customise your outdoor space even more than this. These sleepers can be made in to an attractive set of wooden steps for a raised garden, and even stacked or placed vertically to craft furniture that is perfectly functional for long lasting exterior use. The battens can even be used to create raised flower beds in your garden, which not only adds creates a clean and structured design, but increase the drainage capacity of your flower beds. Marine Plywood Anyone would assume that Marine Plywood is a product exclusively used in the marine industry. However, this durable and extremely moisture resistant board can be repurposed for a number of different projects. Due to it’s use in the boating trade, this board is ideal for exterior work because of its durable qualities, particularly ideal for exterior joinery. This Plywood can also be used for shelving and temporary structures. Scaffold Boards Similarly to Marine Plywood, many assume that Scaffold Boards’ only purpose is just that, for scaffolding work. However, these extremely durable and graded boards can be repurposed for all kinds of DIY projects. From furniture to decking, once the metal banding around the edges of the board have been removed, these boards become just like any other timber batten you would usually use. Western Red Cedar This unique and highly sought-after timber can be used for all of the structural elements required for most projects just like any other wood. However, this wood is often used for different and often luxurious purposes. It is known that Western Red Cedar makes the perfect base for hot tubs, due to its durability against moisture and rot. As well as this, Western Red Cedar has been used to craft canoes, surfboards and even some musical instruments. Pegboard Pegboard sheets is characterised by the evenly dispersed holes throughout the board. These boards are often accompanied by the installation of hooks to provide hanging space for tools and other equipment, but these boards can be used for much more than storage. These boards can be used to level out floorboards and can be used in the manufacturing of furniture. Another obscure use for Pegboard is in some physical and occupational therapies. Placing objects in the holes of the Pegboard can make for a good exercise in patients that need assistance with grasping motions. Conclusion Many supplies and materials used in construction have multiple uses beyond what they were intended for. This flexibility offers an innovative and economical way to tackle a range of issues. Originally created for its namesake, radiator covers can be used as furniture and decorative accents. Usually utilized as garden borders, railway sleepers present an opportunity to create garden elements, chairs, and steps.
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